Separating Fact from Fiction: Busting Common EV Myths here

Electric vehicles (EVs) have become an increasingly popular choice for environmentally conscious consumers seeking a sustainable and efficient mode of transportation. In fact, as of January 2023, there are over 34,000 registered on Irish roads. But despite their growing popularity, several myths and misconceptions continue to circulate about electric cars that can make the decision to switch that little bit harder. To help you understand electric vehicles a bit, our experts at Bright Motor Group will highlight some of the most common electric car myths in Ireland and shed some light on the reality behind these misconceptions.

Myth 1: Electric Cars Have Limited Range

Before you commit to your electric journey, it’s essential that you look at the average distance you travel. Concerns about limited range are often fuelled by the misconception that Ireland's charging infrastructure is insufficient or that an EV won’t be able to handle the journeys that you make. In reality, EV batteries have significantly evolved and ranges exceed 400km regularly. 

For example, if we take the All-New Peugeot e-3008 will cover a whopping range of 700km, easing range anxiety that many potential buyers feel.

Myth 2: Charging an Electric Car Takes Too Long

Charging times are a common worry, especially in regions with varying weather conditions like Ireland. However, the installation of fast-charging stations, supported by the government's commitment to enhancing charging infrastructure, addresses these concerns.

The majority of your vehicle charging will take place at your home and mainly overnight, so your daily impact will rarely be impacted. With around 80% of EV charging being done from the comfort of your own home, mainly suppliers offer discounted rates for nighttime charging.

Manufacturers have also invested significant amounts into charging speed. If we take the Hyundai IONIQ 6, available today at Bright Hyundai, its 800V provides some of the fastest charges today with 351km in 15 minutes.

With strategic placement and advancements in charging technology, the time it takes to charge an electric car in Ireland is becoming increasingly convenient, even for those on the go.

Myth 3: Electric Cars Are Too Expensive for Irish Consumers:

While the upfront cost of electric vehicles may be a concern, it's crucial to consider the total cost of ownership. Irish consumers can take advantage of government incentives, grants and tax benefits, which significantly narrow the price gap between electric and conventional vehicles. Additionally, the lower operating costs, including reduced fuel expenses and maintenance, make electric cars an economically viable choice for Irish drivers. For more information, the SEAI website will highlight the key incentives that are available to you.

Myth 4: Electric Cars Are Not Practical in Ireland's Weather:

Ireland's climate, characterised by mild temperatures and abundant rainfall, raises questions about the practicality of electric cars. Contrary to this myth, electric cars are well-suited to Ireland's climate. Battery management systems are designed to operate efficiently in various weather conditions, ensuring reliable performance for Irish drivers throughout the year.

Myth 5: There's Not Enough Charging Infrastructure in Ireland

One of the most common concerns for EV vehicles in Ireland is the perceived lack of charging infrastructure. But since July 2023, there are now over 2,400 public charging points located across the country, with several types of chargers and pay types to suit your needs. The Irish government had now laid out their extremely detailed and focused Climate Action plan. A significant section of this plan focuses on meeting their target of over 945,000 EVs on Irish roads by 2030. To meet this ambitious target, significant investment is being made in infrastructure, grants and installation

Myth 6: Electric Car Batteries Degrade Quickly

Concerns about battery degradation are often linked to climate, but advancements in battery technology, combined with Ireland's moderate temperatures, significantly enhance the longevity of electric vehicle batteries. Additionally, with fewer moving parts compared to a combustion engine, there is less wear and tear, debunking the myth that an EV’s lifespan is limited. Manufacturers also provide extended battery warranties to alleviate concerns about degradation. For instance, all Opel electric vehicles come with an 8-year battery warranty as standard. With proper care, maintenance, and ongoing dialogue with your sales manager, Irish EV owners can enjoy reliable performance for an extended period.


As Ireland continues to embrace electric vehicles, debunking these myths is essential for fostering informed choices. With a growing charging infrastructure, government support, and technological advancements, electric cars are proving to be a practical and sustainable choice for Irish drivers, contributing to a greener and cleaner future for transportation in the Emerald Isle.

With a wide variety of both new and used electric vehicles, our Bright Motor Group team are here to help you on every step of your electric journey. Whether it's analysing range, specific vehicle features or differences in battery size, our team can answer any of your questions 

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